Floating (and productive) toolbar gone.

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Floating (and productive) toolbar gone.

Post by DerWanderer »

The help on Atlantis website refer to ""Bullets & Numbers" popup toolbar supposed to appear on a single click when the arrow pointer above a bullet or numbered list change into a special pointer showing a list symbol.

Well it seems the new toolbar system in Atlantis 3 doesn't support this.

The Bullets & Numbers toolbar do appear but as a context toolbar alongside the permanent toolbar (and frequently in a less immediately accessible new toolbar page and a long long way from the mouse pointer) whenever a list is present in the document.

But never as a popup or floating toolbar beside your mouse pointer ready to take commands as happened in Atlantis 2. A most productive inconvenience .

And so the arrow pointer list symbol is redundant then. A remnant of Atlantis 2. Is really that so ??

I continue to find the new toolbar system a productive inferior one (besides inelegant "comic" appearance) compared to the old many years improved, refined and tested "ms-office 2003" like toolbar system that existed in Atlantis 2

The decision to change the tested and quite refined toolbar system of Atlantis 2 with an unproductive and ugly blaring background color one is most unfortunate.

Especially considering a software that in all other respects is a superb Word Processor.

Please reconsider a version with the old toolbar system.
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Post by Robert »

The decision to change the tested and quite refined toolbar system of Atlantis 2 with an unproductive and ugly blaring background color one is most unfortunate.
The toolbar system of Atlantis 3 can be customized in many ways. In that respect, it is a lot more “refined” than that of Atlantis 2.
In particular, the context toolbars of Atlantis 3 can be customized so that they have a neutral white or light-gray background. There is nothing “ugly” or “blaring” about a neutral white or light-gray background.
a long long way from the mouse pointer whenever a list is present in the document
I only need to move my mouse a fraction of an inch to bring the mouse pointer from a list to the dedicated top toolbar…
But never as a popup or floating toolbar beside your mouse pointer ready to take commands as happened in Atlantis 2. A most productive inconvenience.
Besides a top context toolbar for lists, Atlantis 3 still has a dedicated right-click context menu for lists:

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