Just used it for the first time to create my first website. Very handy, especially for a beginner on this subject. When uploaded I will publish the url.
congrats and looking forward for the url
i do not like any wysiwyg html editors, as they usually fills the code with unnecessary tags (msword is horrible example) and the final page usually cannot compete with hand hacked (i thing the best tools are those that let you hack code directly, but have built in html reference, color coding, and other useful tools, as HomeSite or Dreamweaver in code mode, or best programmers text editors (with add ons and scripts) such as Emacs), but even I used it few times for lesser pages i wanted to have NOW. I was surprised, the code has much less bloat as for exampe mswords.
i do not like any wysiwyg html editors, as they usually fills the code with unnecessary tags (msword is horrible example) and the final page usually cannot compete with hand hacked (i thing the best tools are those that let you hack code directly, but have built in html reference, color coding, and other useful tools, as HomeSite or Dreamweaver in code mode, or best programmers text editors (with add ons and scripts) such as Emacs), but even I used it few times for lesser pages i wanted to have NOW. I was surprised, the code has much less bloat as for exampe mswords. - simple, but my first. All made with Atlantis
nice but....
nice but... ... i do not understand a single word)
pitty there is not any summary in some world language(
pitty there is not any summary in some world language(