Font Default
Re: Font Default
You can do this by modifying your default template (as a rule, the "Normal") used for creating new documents.<br><br>Do the following:<br>1) choose the "File | Document Templates..." command,<br>2) double-click the "Normal" template,<br>3) press the Ctrl+A keys to select the entire template,<br>4) specify new font face and/or font size and/or font color and/or line spacing, paragraph alignment etc etc etc (use the toolbars or hot keys or main menu of Atlantis),<br>5) press the Ctrl+S to save the "Normal" template.<br><br>Now create a new document (press the Ctrl+N).<br><br>
Re: Font Default
What about the font that is used for page numbering? In my case, I'm using documents that were originally created in M$ Word, so they're not using Atlantis templates. <br><br>How do I change the page number font without affecting any other paragraph fonts<br><br>(Typically, I prefer to see the page number in a san-serif font two points smaller than the body text.) <- Can I do that?
Re: Font Default
This would be possible if Atlantis supported headers/footers. At the moment you cannot change formatting for page numbers.