bye Atlantis

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bye Atlantis

Post by kyknos »

Atlantis is the best word processor I know. However it has some flaws... it cannot read straoffice format and it is availbable only for windows. i need using it omn mac and unix too so i am switching to OpenOffice Writer :?
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bye Atlantis

Post by Max_Quordlepleen »

kyknos wrote: Atlantis is the best word processor I know. However it has some flaws... it cannot read straoffice format and it is availbable only for windows. i need using it omn mac and unix too so i am switching to OpenOffice Writer :?

From one OpenOffice user to another - don't try to use OOo's RTF import filter - it's awful! Save your Atlantis documents as DOCs, which OOo does a much better ob of opening.
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re: Goodbye Atlantis

Post by biomedr »

I have tried to get Atlantis to work under Red Hat 7.3 and 9 with Wine. It will install, but seems a little unstable, and fails to find the installed Truetype fonts, so the text is unreadable. Someone with a little more knowledge of Wine might be able to get it to work, or perhaps Rising Sun might be able to port Atlantis to Linux, Mac and other Unix systems.

The alternatives to Open Office in Linux are Text Maker (, US$50 or 50 Euros) or Ledit! (free if you can find it). I believe both are capable of working with RTF. The Ledit! developers website ( seems to have disappeared, but versions 3.0 and 3.01 are around (Tucows, ZDNet, etc.) :)
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Post by Prince »

Softmaker is fine, I tested it some time ago. On Win 98 of course. Has anyone tried Atlantis 0.7 on Linux/Wine? Is there anything LedIt has more than 0.7?
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Current Ledit version and Atlantis in Linux

Post by biomedr »

The current version is 3.0.1. It is available at:

It cannot handle images, however, so when I have time I am continuing to tinker with Atlantis in Linux. I discovered that if I copied my truetype fonts into the windows/fonts folder that Atlantis and other Windows programs find them. In Red Hat 7.3 Atlantis seems to behave better in KDE than in Gnome, (this install of RH7.3 is almost exactly as installed as this computer is not connected to the internet) however, there is a problem with the scaling of the display. The text displayed on the page is unreadable unless I increase the size to >40 points and view at 400%.

I will post again if I discover how to improve this.
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Works fine for me

Post by gridsleep »

I just installed Atlantis into Wine 1.0 in Ubuntu 8.04 x64 and Atlantis works perfectly. Sound effects, loading pictures into documents, formatting, it's all perfect. There is no "Courier New" font in Wine but there is FreeMono which is exactly the same. It prints to my network printer without flaw. I say this is spectacular. There is no need for a Linux port of Atlantis.

One thing makes me curious: the sound effects are very reminiscent of my old ColecoVision console, which I still have. I'm wondering if the sounds in Atlantis are the same as those of the old Coleco Adam computer. When I use Atlantis with sounds on, and close my eyes, I'm almost transported back to those ancient days of typing and listening to the Adam's daisywheel printer dashing away.

I switched from AbiWord to Atlantis for one reason. AbiWord has a serious flaw in that it wraps the close quote to the next line, instead of including the last word and punctuation. The last word and punctuation stay on the previous line and the close quote is left there by itself at the beginning of the next line. Several people have requested assistance of the AbiSoft crew but even into the, I think, third edition of AbiWord, the problem is still there. This is completely unacceptable. No publisher would accept a manuscript with such a flaw. Atlantis does not have that flaw, thus I use it.

My one remaining wont for Atlantis was a Linux version. Since this version of Atlantis appears to perform flawlessly in Wine, I have no complaints at all. The check is in the mail, so to speak. I will be registering shortly.

One reason I am loathe to use OpenOffice Writer is that it does not allow for a different first page header, which is, again, a serious flaw from a publishing standpoint. A manuscript's cover page or first page does not receive a header, and that is that. There are rules outside of just sitting and typing, and if the application does not conform to real world rules, it cannot be used professionally. I was even seriously considering switching to hard core TeX for my formatting, or setting up one of my older computers with DOS and using WordStar 7. As far as I am concerned, Atlantis is the best word processor since WordStar, which, for me, is the god of word processing. A professional golfer would not show up at the tee with plastic clown clubs, nor would a professional baseball player step up to the plate with a whiffle bat. For a writer, the word processor must be perfect, or the words will not flow. We all know, the spice must flow.
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Post by admin »

One thing makes me curious: the sound effects are very reminiscent of my old ColecoVision console, which I still have. I'm wondering if the sounds in Atlantis are the same as those of the old Coleco Adam computer.
Atlantis Word Processor has nothing to do with Coleco Adam. Note that you could always assign your own WAVs to the desired events in Atlantis through the "Tools | Sounds..." menu command.

Thank you very much for your comments, and for the information regarding the latest version of Wine.
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Post by gridsleep »

admin wrote:
One thing makes me curious: the sound effects are very reminiscent of my old ColecoVision console, which I still have. I'm wondering if the sounds in Atlantis are the same as those of the old Coleco Adam computer.
Atlantis Word Processor has nothing to do with Coleco Adam. Note that you could always assign your own WAVs to the desired events in Atlantis through the "Tools | Sounds..." menu command.

Thank you very much for your comments, and for the information regarding the latest version of Wine.
I like the sounds just the way they are. I'm glad to have been of assistance.

I know that Atlantis does not wrap around pictures. I would like to see such a feature added in future versions, if feasible. Thank you.
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