Mail Merge; Text, Picture Frames; Drag 'N Drop; Tables; ..

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Mail Merge; Text, Picture Frames; Drag 'N Drop; Tables; ..

Post by cwrellc »


I've been following your product for around 6-8 months now, and like what I have seen so far, and would buy the product tomorrow if it had the following five features:

.. universal drag 'n drop into and from any application -- i use this a lot to drag pre-written material into web pages (cut and paste takes too long, for what I have to do)

.. text and picture frames -- frames to hold text (with reasonable formatting capabilities) and separate frames to hold pictures (cropping and sizing only is enough for features, as I can edit the pics elsewhere), where the frames can be located and anchored anywhere on the page, or in the document

.. tables -- even simple tables would go a long way

.. mail-merge -- this feature as an integral part of word processors actually goes back to the late 80's -- WordStar, the first and most popular of the ancient wordprocessors had this almost from the beginning -- need to be able to do letters, envelopes, and mailing labels (which requires many records entered for one page printed); need to be able to read input from e.g. an Excel spreadsheet CSV or tab separated output -- this does not need to be complicated stuff

.. watermark -- i need to print docs with watermarks in them and not all printing drivers include this feature

.. nice but not necessary would be a for-sale for real $$ port to Linux, so that at least ONE good WP program would be available in that environment (as the current attempts fail in terms of usability and stability)
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:57 am

Re: Mail Merge; Text, Picture Frames; Drag 'N Drop; Tables;

Post by TBear »

cwrellc wrote:
I've been following your product for around 6-8 months now, and like what I have seen so far, and would buy the product tomorrow if it had the following five features:

.. tables -- even simple tables would go a long way
Tables strongly seconded here.

This is one fine program!
¤§ TBear §¤
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