Current language for all my templates is English (Australia)
I have an ASCII list of several hundred words such as:
Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand
Avos : avocados
Back of Bourke : a very long way away
Banana bender : a person from Queensland
I would very much appreciate advice on editing this so I can, if possible, add this to Atlantis.
I would also appreciate suggestions about the "best" dictionary file to which I should add it.
Can I add it using "cut and paste"?
Adding Australian words to Atlantis
Adding Australian words to Atlantis
Life's too short to take it seriously
If you have a one-word-per-line wordlist, you can append it to the "user dictionary" of the English spellchecker of your Atlantis. Here is how to proceed:
1. Put your wordlist onto the clipboard.
2. Close Atlantis, if it is running on your system.
3. Open the "My documents\Atlantis\Spellcheck\userdicen.tlx" file with Notepad.
4. Paste the words from the clipboard at the end of the dictionary.
5. Save changes.
1. Put your wordlist onto the clipboard.
2. Close Atlantis, if it is running on your system.
3. Open the "My documents\Atlantis\Spellcheck\userdicen.tlx" file with Notepad.
4. Paste the words from the clipboard at the end of the dictionary.
5. Save changes.
Hi Sentosa,
If you need to change your ASCII list into a one-word-per-line wordlist, you could use a wildcard search:
1. Copy/paste your list into Atlantis.
2. Press “Ctrl+F”.
3. Click the “More” button if available.
4. Check (tick) the “Use wildcards” box.
5. Enter the following wildcard search pattern in the “Find What” box:
6. Press the “Find & Select All” button.
7. Leave the selection AS IS, and press “Ctrl+C” to put the selection onto the Windows clipboard.
8. Still in Atlantis, press “Ctrl+N” to create a new document.
9. Press “Ctrl+V”.
10. Press “Ctrl+A”.
11. Press “Ctrl+Shift+K, A” to sort the paragraphs, i.e. the words in ascending order.
12. Atlantis will sort the words and select the duplicates. Leave the selection AS IS, and press the “Del” key to remove all duplicates from the list.
13. The words that are missing from your current English lexicon will be red-underlined in the Atlantis document window.
14. Select these red-underlined words: they are the words that you actually need to add to “userdicen.tlx” in the way Admin described.
If you need to change your ASCII list into a one-word-per-line wordlist, you could use a wildcard search:
1. Copy/paste your list into Atlantis.
2. Press “Ctrl+F”.
3. Click the “More” button if available.
4. Check (tick) the “Use wildcards” box.
5. Enter the following wildcard search pattern in the “Find What” box:
6. Press the “Find & Select All” button.
7. Leave the selection AS IS, and press “Ctrl+C” to put the selection onto the Windows clipboard.
8. Still in Atlantis, press “Ctrl+N” to create a new document.
9. Press “Ctrl+V”.
10. Press “Ctrl+A”.
11. Press “Ctrl+Shift+K, A” to sort the paragraphs, i.e. the words in ascending order.
12. Atlantis will sort the words and select the duplicates. Leave the selection AS IS, and press the “Del” key to remove all duplicates from the list.
13. The words that are missing from your current English lexicon will be red-underlined in the Atlantis document window.
14. Select these red-underlined words: they are the words that you actually need to add to “userdicen.tlx” in the way Admin described.