Practical suggestions

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Petar Petrenko
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Practical suggestions

Post by Petar Petrenko »

1. I think that Option... command from the Tools menu should be removed. Instead, every change the user makes in the document formating should be automatically saved without any notice and any new document should be opened with these options. Same with the Page Settings... (Margins, Page Format, Layout), Font..., Paragraph..., etc.
2. Ask the user for the document name for saving it when creating a new one not when closing it. After that the Save command would become obsolete because saving could be done on regular basis (every 1 minute, 5, 10 minutes) or when user makes longer pause while typing. When closing the document it should be saved also, without asking for it.
Petar Petrenko
Skopje, Makedonija
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Re: Practical suggestions

Post by Robert »

Petar Petrenko wrote:Hi,
1. I think that Option... command from the Tools menu should be removed. Instead, every change the user makes in the document formating should be automatically saved without any notice and any new document should be opened with these options. Same with the Page Settings... (Margins, Page Format, Layout), Font..., Paragraph..., etc.
By default, Atlantis applies the page settings of your default document template (“File | New | Formats & Templates…”)

But page settings can be modified and are document-specific, even section-specific.

If you want the current page settings to become the default page settings. click the “Default” button in the “File | Page Settings…” dialog of the current document. Atlantis will apply the current page settings to the default document template so that these page settings will be used each time you create new documents using the “File | New | Document” command (Ctrl+N).
Petar Petrenko
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Post by Petar Petrenko »

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your answer. But, obiously you didn't understand me. I didn't look up for a solution of a problem, but those were suggestions for how to make Atlantis even more efective, faster... I am complete familiar with Atlantis and I don't need any help about it but I am very much interested into Atlantis further development.
Petar Petrenko
Skopje, Makedonija
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Re: Practical suggestions

Post by admin »

Petar Petrenko wrote:I think that Option... command from the Tools menu should be removed. Instead, every change the user makes in the document formating should be automatically saved without any notice and any new document should be opened with these options.
The “Tools | Options…” menu command has nothing to do with your document files and their formatting. It allows to adjust the global settings of Atlantis. There could not be a reason to remove this command from Atlantis.
Petar Petrenko
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Post by Petar Petrenko »


What I ment was this: When user change the format of the paper, for instance, than this format goes for ALL further new documents. When he changes the measurement units it goes for ALL further new documents. When he changes margins -- the same. Without any need to choose the "Option" command, or to click to the "Default" button on the "Page setup" window or something else. Atlantis should do ALL setting changes in the backgorund. And it should be done for ALL settings in "Option" window and its Tabs, likewise.
Petar Petrenko
Skopje, Makedonija
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Post by admin »

Again, the "Tools | Options..." dialog has nothing to do with the changes you make to a document. This dialog deals with the global settings of Atlantis. So there is nothing Atlantis could "record" here, even theoretically.

About "recording" document formatting. Sorry, but I doubt that any would appreciate such automatic recording. When a user changes the left margin of a document, why do you assume that this user wants the left margin of the default document template to be adjusted correspondingly? When a user changes the page settings of the active document, this does not mean at all that these page settings should be used for newly created documents. If you need to apply a document's page settings to the default document template (ie if you want to use these page settings for new documents), please use the "File | Page Settings... > Default..." button. Applying the page settings of a document to the default document template automatically should never happen.
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Post by maxqnz »

I agree with admin and Robert. Automatic, silent modification of the default settings with every change in every document would be a very bad idea. I would describe it as pointless and counterproductive. I cannot imagine a situation in which it would be desirable, and am glad that Atlantis does not offer it. Nor does any wordporcessor I have ever used.
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