WordWeb installed - no "Thesaurus" command
WordWeb installed - no "Thesaurus" command
I have WordWeb installed on partition D. Can this be the reason there is no "Thesaurus" command in the right-click context menu in the Atlantis document window?
WordWeb is English thesaurus. Atlantis does not offer the "Thesaurus" command when the current language in your document is other than English. Most probably the current language in your document is Polish.
If you format the document text with the English language through the "Format | Language..." command of Atlantis, you would have the "Thesaurus" command in the right-click menu.
If you format the document text with the English language through the "Format | Language..." command of Atlantis, you would have the "Thesaurus" command in the right-click menu.
Thank you.admin wrote:Atlantis does not offer the "Thesaurus" command when the current language in your document is other than English.
Don't you think this information should accompany the one about the possibility of combining WordWeb with Atlantis that one can find on Atlantis website?
Sure thing.WordWeb is English thesaurus.
If you are aware that WordWeb is an English Thesaurus (and you should because you have to install it before you can use it), how do you expect an English Thesaurus to give you synonyms for Polish words?
Would you pick a paper English Thesaurus to look up Polish words? Electronic dictionaries behave in just the same way as their paper counterparts.
If you are aware that WordWeb is an English Thesaurus (and you should because you have to install it before you can use it), how do you expect an English Thesaurus to give you synonyms for Polish words?
Would you pick a paper English Thesaurus to look up Polish words? Electronic dictionaries behave in just the same way as their paper counterparts.
WordWeb is not only the source of synonims.
Let's say I am using Atlantis to translate Jules Verne's novel Cinq semaines en ballon (Five Weeks in a Baloon) from French into Polish. There is the following paragraph in chapter XII:
Fergusson s’était également muni d’un ouvrage qui réunissait en un seul corps toutes les notions acquises sur le Nil, et intitulé: The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery by Charles Beke, th. D.
Since Beke's book has never been translated into Polish I have to place its original English title in my Polish translation, together with its Polish title. To translate this title from English into Polish I can use WordWeb. Here is the result:
Fergusson zabrał w podróż także dzieło doktora Charlesa Beke'a The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery (Żródła Nilu, czyli ogólne opisanie dorzecza tej rzeki i rzek dających jej początek, wraz z historią odkryć nilowych) zawierające wszystkie informacje o Nilu.
Let's say I am using Atlantis to translate Jules Verne's novel Cinq semaines en ballon (Five Weeks in a Baloon) from French into Polish. There is the following paragraph in chapter XII:
Fergusson s’était également muni d’un ouvrage qui réunissait en un seul corps toutes les notions acquises sur le Nil, et intitulé: The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery by Charles Beke, th. D.
Since Beke's book has never been translated into Polish I have to place its original English title in my Polish translation, together with its Polish title. To translate this title from English into Polish I can use WordWeb. Here is the result:
Fergusson zabrał w podróż także dzieło doktora Charlesa Beke'a The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery (Żródła Nilu, czyli ogólne opisanie dorzecza tej rzeki i rzek dających jej początek, wraz z historią odkryć nilowych) zawierające wszystkie informacje o Nilu.
Last edited by lls on Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word processors cannot work properly if they cannot identify the language of the text being typed or spellchecked or "autocorrected".
Atlantis has only one way to identify the language being used in the current document: the text has to be marked with the appropriate language. This is done automatically most of the time because each new document has a default language marking. For example, if you type US English words in a document whose default language is US English, everything will work smoothly. But you will run into problems if you insert or type non-US words. If you want Atlantis to work correctly and identify the new text properly, you have to mark the new text manually with the appropriate language.
In your example, all the words in "The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery by Charles Beke, th. D." are English words. If you want Atlantis to behave correctly, and to offer WordWeb when you right-click any of these words, you have to mark them as English. As long as they remain marked as French or Polish, or with any non-English language, you won't get the WordWeb menu item.
Simply select the English words in your texts, and use the "Format | Language..." command to mark them as UK or US English. You will be able to use WordWeb with these words.
Word processors cannot work properly if they cannot identify the language of the text being typed or spellchecked or "autocorrected".
Atlantis has only one way to identify the language being used in the current document: the text has to be marked with the appropriate language. This is done automatically most of the time because each new document has a default language marking. For example, if you type US English words in a document whose default language is US English, everything will work smoothly. But you will run into problems if you insert or type non-US words. If you want Atlantis to work correctly and identify the new text properly, you have to mark the new text manually with the appropriate language.
In your example, all the words in "The sources of the Nile: being a general survey of the basin of that river and of its head-streams with the history of the Nilotic discovery by Charles Beke, th. D." are English words. If you want Atlantis to behave correctly, and to offer WordWeb when you right-click any of these words, you have to mark them as English. As long as they remain marked as French or Polish, or with any non-English language, you won't get the WordWeb menu item.
Simply select the English words in your texts, and use the "Format | Language..." command to mark them as UK or US English. You will be able to use WordWeb with these words.