HTML editor

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HTML editor

Post by 1953 »

Is there a way to make Atlantis my default HTML editor. I want it to show up in Internet Explorer's tools, internet options,programs, HTLM editor :?:

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Re: HTML editor

Post by Robert »

1953 wrote: Is there a way to make Atlantis my default HTML editor. I want it to show up in Internet Explorer's tools, internet options,programs, HTLM editor :?:
Hi, 1953!
You can compose formatted RTF or DOC pages in Atlantis and save them as HTML pages from Atlantis.
The resulting HTML files are extremely clean and compact.
But this does not mean that Atlantis can be used diectly as a HTML editor.
As a matter of fact, Atlantis has no support for HTML editing yet.
Atlantis cannot save HTML-coded files with the appropriate HTM or HTML format.
But what you can do is this (I use this method myself):
1) Write your HTML code in Atlantis if you find typing in Atlantis more convenient.
2) Then you might want to use a utility to store and paste ready-prepared HTML tags.
When Atlantis has it, you will be able to use its Clippy Libraries. Until then you will need a third party utility.
I am personally using the ClipOMatic freeware available at
I have created a special ClipOMatic clipset which includes all the HTML tags I am using.
When I want to insert a HTML tag in the Atlantis document window, I press the special keyboard shortcut activating the ClipOMatic menu.
A menu with the stored HTML tags pops up in Atlantis. With a single click, I can then paste any appropriate HTML tag at the current insertion point.
3) When you are done, select your whole HTML code (Ctrl+A), then copy it to the Windows clipboard (Ctrl+C).
4) Open any proper HTML editor, paste the clipboard contents into a new HTML page (Ctrl+V), then save your file with the appropriate name and extension.
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