I suggest you to use aspell as an additional spellchecker.
Or if you do not want to use it than i suggest you to create dictionaries (Russian and Ukrainian languages).
Or if you do not want to use it than i suggest you to create dictionaries (Russian and Ukrainian languages).
no Unicode-support
Unfortunately Atlantis doesn't support Unicode, how will you write Russian without Unicode? The makers of Atlantis insist on using the ANSI-code as the "only Standard".
Re: no Unicode-support
Greetings--mandrael wrote: Unfortunately Atlantis doesn't support Unicode, how will you write Russian without Unicode? The makers of Atlantis insist on using the ANSI-code as the "only Standard".
UNICODE is not required for support of the Russian language. There is an ANSI code page corresponding to the Russian language. To sum up, I can only duplicate what has already been stated in this very Forum:
Atlantis uses ANSI code pages.
These have been used since computers started.
For ages now, people from East-European countries, including Russians, have been using computers and ANSI code pages to create documents in their own languages without any problem at all.
It so happens that there existed no UNICODE support when they started using computers and keyboards. Most of them are still doing without UNICODE. Simply because they do not need it.
There are code pages for nearly every language outside the Far-Eastern languages (China, Japan, and other countries of East and South-East Asia).
UNICODE is required ONLY for these Far-Eastern languages because they include hundreds and hundreds of different glyphs that could not fit into a traditional ANSI Code Page. All other languages use a rather limited set of characters and fit perfectly within the original ANSI framework.
The problem is not with UNICODE vs NON-UNICODE, but with the fact that keyboards are language-dependent. So you normally cannot type anything but English on an English keyboard, German on a German keyboard, etc.
To work round these restrictions, computer users can install different keyboard layouts. But they are still stuck with keys that do not show the foreign characters that they want to type. There are various ways to work around this. But UNICODE is not really one of them. UNICODE does not really help with this problem.
What's more, UNICODE support is still in its infancy. If you create UNICODE documents, you run the risk that they might very well not be read on a different system or in a different application. Applications with UNICODE support are still few and far between. Even Windows XP and MS Word 2003 have only limited UNICODE support. Your document portability will be far greater if they use ANSI code pages.
Maybe you'd like Atlantis to be very much ahead of its time (wouldn't we all!), but it will be a long time before UNICODE is the established universal standard that we can dream about.
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- Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:18 pm
- Location: Ukraine
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I am sorry but the spellcheckers for these languages should not be expected in the nearest future. Possibly they will be created at a later stage.Albert Einstein wrote: I use Atlantis for editing Russian and Ukrainian documents too, but i NEED
ressian spellcheck, please, describe it's format let me make spelcheck dictionary by myself if you don't wish to do it
Maybe than you can publish some Plugin SDK for creating custom toolbars or(and) buttons. So we (programmer enthusiasts) can add some additional features to your word processor?
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- Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:18 pm
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I'm subscribe to this opinion. Let us help you to make Atlantis more good!Gigabyte wrote: Maybe than you can publish some Plugin SDK for creating custom toolbars or(and) buttons. So we (programmer enthusiasts) can add some additional features to your word processor?
2 Gigabyte: Vmeste mi sila![/b]
2 Atlantis developers
Pleace think about our (my and Einsteinis) proposition. This will be a wery good promotion of your product!
Pleace think about our (my and Einsteinis) proposition. This will be a wery good promotion of your product!
russian spellchecker
Pardon za translit. Hozyaeva ne lyubyat zdes' kirillitsu
Muzhiki, kak naschet spellchecker iz MS Word? Word stoit u vseh, po-lyubomu. Dlya teh zhe tablits, kotorye Atlantis nikak ne derzhit. Mozhno popol'zovat'sya i im. Cherez PunroSwitcher (http://www.punto.ru/switcher/), kotoryi stoit, po-moemu, tozhe u vseh uzhe. V nem est' optsiya "Proverka orfografii" dlya clipboard. Kopiruesh' tekst iz Atlantis, vyzyvaesh' vordovyi spellchecker cherez switcher, proverennoe i ispravlennoe vstavlyaesh' obratno v Atlantis. Vualya! Neskol'ko gemorroino, bol'shie teksty proveryat' tak ne ochen' udobno, no RABOTAET! I rabotaet horosho, proveryaet dazhe grammatiku!
Est' esche odin sposob, no naschet nego ya ne uveren. Na saite Mangusta (http://mongoose.myopera.net) lezhit skript (http://mongoose.myopera.net/res/Spell.vbs) dlya proverki bufera obmena tem zhe vordovym spellchecker. Tam pokazano, kak on prikruchivaetsya k Opera; mozhno li takzhe sdelat' dlya Atlantis ya ne znayu, potomu chto menya vpolne ustraivaet i pervyi sposob.
Cheshite grud'
Muzhiki, kak naschet spellchecker iz MS Word? Word stoit u vseh, po-lyubomu. Dlya teh zhe tablits, kotorye Atlantis nikak ne derzhit. Mozhno popol'zovat'sya i im. Cherez PunroSwitcher (http://www.punto.ru/switcher/), kotoryi stoit, po-moemu, tozhe u vseh uzhe. V nem est' optsiya "Proverka orfografii" dlya clipboard. Kopiruesh' tekst iz Atlantis, vyzyvaesh' vordovyi spellchecker cherez switcher, proverennoe i ispravlennoe vstavlyaesh' obratno v Atlantis. Vualya! Neskol'ko gemorroino, bol'shie teksty proveryat' tak ne ochen' udobno, no RABOTAET! I rabotaet horosho, proveryaet dazhe grammatiku!
Est' esche odin sposob, no naschet nego ya ne uveren. Na saite Mangusta (http://mongoose.myopera.net) lezhit skript (http://mongoose.myopera.net/res/Spell.vbs) dlya proverki bufera obmena tem zhe vordovym spellchecker. Tam pokazano, kak on prikruchivaetsya k Opera; mozhno li takzhe sdelat' dlya Atlantis ya ne znayu, potomu chto menya vpolne ustraivaet i pervyi sposob.
Cheshite grud'
Atlantis Spellcheck
Vaul: tvoj sposob primenim dlya lubogo textovogo redaktora. a tut fishka v tom, chtoby raskrutit' razrabotchikov na sodzdanie spleecheck-a v Atlantis.
2 Admins: Please, add support of Cyrrilic on your forum!!!
2 Admins: Please, add support of Cyrrilic on your forum!!!
2 admin (a short translation of previous topics)
Vaul tried to convince us (me and Einstein) to leave this "foolish idea" of developing the spellchecker for Atlantis and develop the spellchecker for Work instead.
And Einstein told him than this is not the main idea of this topic!
And what about you? Will you let us to help you to increace the popularity of your product in the Eastern Europe?
Vaul tried to convince us (me and Einstein) to leave this "foolish idea" of developing the spellchecker for Atlantis and develop the spellchecker for Work instead.
And Einstein told him than this is not the main idea of this topic!
And what about you? Will you let us to help you to increace the popularity of your product in the Eastern Europe?
I mean not the developing the core of the Atlantis but developing some plugins. And the user himself will decide to use it or not. All I'm asking you is to publish a Plugin SDK not the Source code for Atlantis.admin wrote:Thanks for your kind offer. But if you mean help with developing Atlantis, this would not be possible.Will you let us to help you to increace the popularity of your product in the Eastern Europe?