You can normally access this dialog by choosing the "Tools | AutoCorrect..." menu command or clicking the AutoCorrect button of the Tools toolbar .
This dialog reports a text fragment that the AutoCorrect suggests to modify in some way.
Click Accept if you want to accept the suggested correction.
Click Reject if you don't want the current occurrence to be modified.
Click Accept All if you wish to accept the current and all further similar corrections. For example, in a document containing many occurrences of "follwoing", clicking the Accept All button will ensure that all occurrences of "follwoing" will be replaced with the correct form without further intervention on your part.
Clicking Reject All will act in exactly the reverse way to Accept All. No auto correction will be performed on the current or on any other similar instance.
Click AutoCorrect All if you wish Atlantis to complete AutoCorrection without your intervention. All auto corrections for which you previously clicked Reject All will be still rejected but all other preset corrections will be automatically applied. Important: only use AutoCorrect All if you are sure that you would accept all corrections suggested by Atlantis.
Clicking Cancel terminates the current AutoCorrect session. All previous corrections are not automatically canceled.
The AutoCorrect Options can always be modified "on-the-fly" by pressing .
Also in most situations this dialog contains the Add ... to the exceptions button allowing you to add the currently reported text to the list of exceptions so that AutoCorrect will never correct it. Items can always be removed from the list of exceptions. Choose the Tools | AutoCorrect Options... menu command, then click the Other Exceptions... button.
See also...