Search found 4 matches
- Wed May 11, 2022 10:05 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Is there a way to search for repeated characters, without specifying which character?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2377
Re: Is there a way to search for repeated characters, without specifying which character?
That works perfectly, thank you!
- Wed May 11, 2022 5:37 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Is there a way to search for repeated characters, without specifying which character?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2377
Is there a way to search for repeated characters, without specifying which character?
Apologies: I don't think the subject is very clear, but I don't know how else to succintly word it, so I'll explain here. I want to search for any occurences of three or more characters that are the same -- e.g. "ooo", "xxx", etc -- but obviously I'd rather not to do it 26 times for each letter of ...
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:03 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Atlantis Used By Another Program
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2148
Re: Atlantis Used By Another Program
It's not Atlantis that's used by another program, but the specific document you tried to open. If you have any other text-editing program on your system (MS Word, Notepad, Libre Office, etc) and you opened the document with one of those programs then also opened it with Atlantis, that is when you ...
- Fri Feb 18, 2022 8:18 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Cut lines for 2-up A5 doc on A4 paper?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2419
Re: Cut lines for 2-up A5 doc on A4 paper?
Possible workaround: set your document page to A4 landscape, copy/paste two lots of your text and divide it into two columns, and in the column dialogue box tick the "Line between" option. This'll put a line midway down the page that you can cut along once printed.