I often go through an article clipping sections of text that need to be reviewed and analysed later. It would be very helpful, once I have finished doing this, to have the facility to paste all the sections individually to separate documents.
That would enable me to to add further comments, without mixing them up with the other clips.
Save clips to separate documents
Saving clips
If I understand what you mean, you can do this now.
In any document you can select text, right click it, and choose SAVE SELECTION AS; or select your text and use Ctrl+Shift+F12.
In any document you can select text, right click it, and choose SAVE SELECTION AS; or select your text and use Ctrl+Shift+F12.
Most clips will be from PDF or ebook formats. Some might even be from the web.
Which means that I can't save as directly. They go through the clipboard. I think I can save them all into one document, and then separate, but I was hoping to cut out a few steps.
My clipboard manager will do power paste, but that still means creating that number of empty documents.
I expect that I can find a way to automate the process, but Atlantis' clip functions seemed just a few tweaks away from a perfect solution.
Which means that I can't save as directly. They go through the clipboard. I think I can save them all into one document, and then separate, but I was hoping to cut out a few steps.
My clipboard manager will do power paste, but that still means creating that number of empty documents.
I expect that I can find a way to automate the process, but Atlantis' clip functions seemed just a few tweaks away from a perfect solution.
Saving clips
Okay, I see what you are talking about, now. I did not understand that before.
I guess that Atlantis would have to function as a clipboard manager to do something like that, with an option to save every instance of copied text as a separate file.
I guess that Atlantis would have to function as a clipboard manager to do something like that, with an option to save every instance of copied text as a separate file.
Re: Saving clips
Which it does - ClippyBank!rstroud wrote:I guess that Atlantis would have to function as a clipboard manager to do something like that
That's why I thought it was something the program might be able to do with just a small add to the program.
Which isn't one of it's functions at the moment. It keeps them all on a single page.rstroud wrote: with an option to save every instance of copied text as a separate file.
It would need to be a selectable option.
Then take the arriving clip and add it to the active document, automatically opening a new document.
Alternatively, remember all the clips in the bank as separate clips and be able to add them all to new documents, one clip to a document.
Given the functionality Atlantis already has, I think it would be easy from a programming point of view. Whether it's something anyone else would use I don't know.
Atlantis already stores each new Clip Library item to a separate file in one of the Clip Library subfolders (“C:\Users\<User’s Name>\Documents\Atlantis\Clip Library\…”).remember all the clips in the bank as separate clips and be able to add them all to new documents, one clip to a document.
You already have a separate file for each of your Clip Library items…
I didn't think that the Clip Library connected to the clipboard in the same way as Clippy Bank. Which means that the clips aren't in there without going through extra steps. And they're certainly not in mine.Robert wrote:You already have a separate file for each of your Clip Library items…
Clip Library seems to be for more permanent clips that might be in more frequent use.