Correction, I was too soon to reply. I'm fairly sure that when I went to look at the interface for autocorrection, I saw listed more than the default items.
After that, I closed Atlantis and restarted. DIdn't look at it again. I added an item to autocorrect (via the right click menu on a spelling error). I then went to the autocorrect item list and exported the current list.
But now it turned out they were all gone again -- except the one I'd just added.
I don't know (since I didn't check) whether they were all gone from the start, or from the moment I added an item through the right click menu.
In any case. this beta seems to display the same erratic behaviour.
autocorrect items reset after update
Re: autocorrect items reset after update
Finally reproduced this: had to change the system default language to Dutch. Fixed. Thanks. Please choose the "Help | Check for Updates..." menu command to install the latest beta build.
- Posts: 87
- Joined: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:15 pm
Re: autocorrect items reset after update
Yes, works for me too now. Thanks.