Show Bookmarks option
Show Bookmarks option
A Show Bookmarks option (as in Word) without having to switch to Special Symbols mode.
Re: Show Bookmarks option
I do not think that adding this option to Atlantis would be a good idea. MS Word has this option because it does not display bookmark delimiters under the “Special symbols” mode. In Atlantis you can hide/show all special symbols and marks (including bookmark delimiters) with a press to Ctrl+Shift+8. This is more convenient than having to open the Options dialog every time you need to toggle the display of bookmark delimiters.
Re: Show Bookmarks option
The idea is not to toggle bookmark delimiters display but to have them on at all times, so we can see where bookmarks are in the text without being encumbered with special symbols and marks.
The Bookmarks navigator panel is great, and so is the status bar right-click, but you have to click bookmarks to locate them in the text.
The Bookmarks navigator panel is great, and so is the status bar right-click, but you have to click bookmarks to locate them in the text.
Re: Show Bookmarks option
Well, I think that in order to display the bookmark delimiters some type of toggling (switch on - switch off) would be necessary. Otherwise they could not be hidden again.
But apart from this technical detail, I understand JPh1's suggestion: The current option "View" -> "Special Symbols" displays all such symbols and marks together (as mentioned by admin). Visually this is not very comfortable for users who only want to see the spots where a bookmark (delimiter) exists.
So to my mind the possibility to switch on/off the display of the bookmark delimiters e.g. via an option "View" -> "Bookmark delimiters" could be a useful feature.