Hi again out there.
Like I wrote in another thread,in the past I wrote a little, but this was "old style", now I am trying to enter the world of e-books.
I have a small project going. This is historic nonfiction about a replica of an old privateer scooner.
There are thousands of e-books out there, how can people find my story?
I wonder if it is possible to do (sell) it this way:
For example: I send an e-mail to nautical organisations, museums and other people that I think mignt be interested in my book. (maybe also facebook groups)
In the mail I have a link that send the people right to my book.
The question is this:
Are there some firmas out there that are willing to sell books from amateur wrighters? (they take some prosent to do this of course)
If possible I would like to set the prize in the currency of my country.
Now, what do you think?
What are your best sugestion?
Best regards
Selling e-books on the net?
You can find some useful links in the following blog post:
http://atlantiswordprocessor.blogspot.c ... ebook.html
http://atlantiswordprocessor.blogspot.c ... ebook.html