Hi again out there.
I have tried Atlantis for 30 days, and want to buy the program.
But, I have some difficulties in doing this. They do not acsept my credit card. I probably have done some wrongs in the registration.
For exaple this line: Billing ardress ( where your credit card statement is mailed to ) Can somebody explain me a little more about this?
Best regards
Problems when I want to buy Atlantis
I tried my best to buy Atlantis, but this time I got another message on this : State/Province Enter N/A if not Appliable .U.S, residents, please use your two-letter State kode.
The error massage was: Error 20 Please enter the two - letter state abbreviation for your state.
I wrote: NO (for Norway) ?
I tried my best. It is sad, because I would like to have this program.
Best regards
The error massage was: Error 20 Please enter the two - letter state abbreviation for your state.
I wrote: NO (for Norway) ?
I tried my best. It is sad, because I would like to have this program.
Best regards
Hi Seasong,seasong wrote:I tried my best to buy Atlantis, but this time I got another message on this : State/Province Enter N/A if not Appliable .U.S, residents, please use your two-letter State kode.
The error massage was: Error 20 Please enter the two - letter state abbreviation for your state.
I wrote: NO (for Norway) ?
As I understand things, you are from Norway. So you should enter “N/A” (meaning “Not applicable”) for your "State". The "State" two-letter codes are for people from the USA.