I was wondering how width and height properties for images are determined when a document is saved to EPUB?
I was thinking I should be able to be able to create an image of a certain size within photoshop, assign it a 100% property within Atlantis, and not have a resizing of the image upon saving it to EPUB. However, that doesn't appear to be the case. Why is that?
Images in Epubs: How is Width Height property determined?
When you insert a new picture to an Atlantis document, it gets inserted with a certain size (width and height) in pixels. But in most cases, when saving a document as eBook, Atlantis does not include information about picture width & height in an EPUB file. eReaders retrieve this information from a graphic file stored within the EPUB package. But if your Atlantis document contains "larger" portrait-oriented pictures (300 x 400 pixels and more), Atlantis saves them to eBooks in a special "full-screen" way. If you do not want a given picture to be saved as a "full-screen" picture to eBook, you can click after that picture in Atlantis, and insert a "non-printable" character (space character, line break, etc). Did it help?