Atlantis is a Word Processor for Windows a masterpiece of raw coding power at 4MB for the full version and 600KB (yes, you read that correctly) for a full featured free word-processor and has been a staple on many writers' desks for years. (Atlantis Nova is the freeware version of Atlantis. The installation is virtually identical.) However, it's largely unknown in the GNU/Linux world because Atlantis is a Windows program. The good news is that installing Atlantis is a snap with Wine. (The "why" is at the bottom of this post.) These guidelines are largely written for Ubuntu Linux users, and the pictures come from Colorwheel 1, my very own remaster of Xubuntu 12.04. Full disclosure. (The menus are standard Xubuntu menus). However, experienced Linux users know that if it's in a .deb file, it's just a matter of finding the .rpm, and Wine is very cross-distribution handy.
1. Download and Install Wine 1.4 or 1.5 if You Don't Have it Already
Most modern Linux distributions have easy access to Wine 1.4 in their software repositories, and Ubuntu distributions are no different, with many versions having them pre-installed. Wine can be downloaded from the Ubuntu Software Center, as well as the other major software centers available for a one click download. If not, following the download instructions at WineHQ will get you set up for Ubuntu, as well as other distributions. Or you can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for "Wine".
If you want to use Wine, are using Ubuntu, don't have Wine, and would rather just download from a terminal window, just type:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install wine
2. Configure Wine for the Install
Configuring Wine is usually fairly easy. In Ubuntu Unity, you can look up "winecfg" in the Dash. In Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and menu based distributions such as this one you can simply go to the "Wine" menu and choose "Configure Wine".
Once you get to the Wine Configuration screen, click on the Graphics tab as below, and check off Emulate a virtual desktop. I leave it at the default 800x600, but you can make it bigger or smaller to suit your screen. The key is we want it to be about half the size of your current screen.
Now we're ready to breeze through installing Atlantis!
3. Download and Install Atlantis
Go to the Atlantis Website and download the Installer (if you are using Nova, find the Download screen for Nova). In this case, you want to save the file; don't open it with any suggested program.
Once it downloads, find the file and right click it. In most cases you can left
click it, but it never hurts to make sure you are opening the file with Wine.
To be continued--