up up up date or grade

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up up up date or grade

Post by VJF »

It 's a long time ago we got an upgrade.
Because they are sleeping? they don't know? They don't read or listen?
No, no, no, no

But many customers would like to have TABLES. So, maybe it is an idea to think about that idea to work on this subject.

Much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Vincent van Gool, Amsterdam
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Post by Axel »

while your frustration is somewhat understandable, I find your post a bit cheeky. Personally, I don't think that any of the developers is 'sleeping' or not 'listening, reading'.
Okay, personally I don't care much about tables in a word processor, but that is just me. What I care about is performance and in that department Atlantis is probably the very best in the world. Especially when it comes to very large files, such as 30MB.

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Update or -grade

Post by VJF »

Thanks for your reaction. I agree Atlantis is very good and The Team did very good work. Thanks and applause for it.

But ... I am curious for the next update.

And, in the past they suggested to develop somethime like tables; never promised. They never said "no, we don't think about that", or "We are not going to develop such things. As far as I know they always answer very fast and adequate (to my opinion). That's why I don't understand the discrepancy between the vagueness
about tables and what we are used to from them.

So I ironically asked questions and answered them seriously myself with "no". Just to remind a wish of myself and many people.
If I offended a person, sorry, no intention at all to do so.

Atlantis is what it is. And that's it.
As is my wish is a wish, nothing more.

A still grateful Atlantis user.
Vincent van Gool, Amsterdam
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:44 am
Location: Zeitz, Germany

Post by Axel »

thanks Vincent for clearing things up. Sounds very positive.
Also, I must confess that I missed the intention of your "no, no, no".
Fair enough.
Needless to say, almost a year to the day without upgrade/date may make users wonder what is going on – considering the frequency in the past.
But I am still fully confident…

Oh…, peaceful holidays and a happy, prosperous, and healthy 2015 to you and everyone on the forum.

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I too wonder

Post by DaleDe »

I too wonder about where they are going. It would be nice to get tables at some point. I use AWP primarily to generate eBooks and I find that for anything text oriented it works very well but is fairly weak on things not text. I would like a horizontal line that translated to eBooks as a first step in producing lines for a table. I would also like some control of graphics such as left or right positioning with text that flowed around it. But I, like you, appreciate the tool it currently is.

Merry Christmas to all.

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