file concatenation and delete

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file concatenation and delete

Post by kitimat »

1) Can Atlantis concatenate rtf files?
I want file(new) = file(1) + file(1) ...file(n).

2) Can I get Atlantis to delete the file that I am presently viewing?

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Post by Robert »

Hi kitimat,
1) Can Atlantis concatenate rtf files?
I want file(new) = file(1) + file(2) ...file(n)
Here is how I would go about this.
1. Save any Clippy Bank contents if necessary.
2. Press “Ctrl+Alt+F8” to “Empty Clippy Bank”.
3. Open file(1) in Atlantis or switch to it if it is already open. Press “Ctrl+A” to select it all, then “Ctrl+F8” (“Append to Clippy Bank”).
4. Open file(2) in Atlantis or switch to it if it is already open. Press “Ctrl+A” to select it all, then “Ctrl+F8” (“Append to Clippy Bank”).
5. Open file(n) in Atlantis or switch to it if it is already open. Press “Ctrl+A” to select it all, then “Ctrl+F8” (“Append to Clippy Bank”).
6. Switch to the Clippy Bank (or press “F8” if it’s not already open).
7. Press “F12” and save the Clippy Bank contents under any suitable name and file type.
Can I get Atlantis to delete the file that I am presently viewing?
Not through a direct Atlantis command. But it can be done from within Atlantis.
1. First, press “Ctrl+W” to close the document that you want to delete.
1. Still in Atlantis, press “Ctrl+O”.
2. Use the “Open Document” dialog window to navigate to the document that you want to delete.
3. Right-click that file, then select “Delete” from the context menu.
4. Close the “Open Document” dialog.

Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:55 pm
Location: Canada


Post by kitimat »

thanks Robert. Very well done as usual.

Just for completeness, the 'Insert file' button also can be used to join files.
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