Hi Jesse,
What exactly are you copying? Is the source document a pure text file (with “.txt” extension)? Is the target document also a pure text file (with “.txt” extension)?
Try selecting your text in the target document, and see what happens if you change the font face used for it. Does it change its appearance?
Note that Atlantis is essentially meant to be used as a word processor, and not as a pure text editor. If you want to create pure text documents, you’d be much better off with a pure text editor like Notepad++.
If you want to create what looks like frames in Atlantis, you could use simple 1x1 tables, and paste any relevant contents into these tables.
I'm copying Unicode text from my text editor (jEdit), and pasting it into Atlantis. I've written a set of custom jEdit macros to generate the sort of text diagrams that I need using the Unicode box drawing characters. The "2017" example was just to show the sort of character conversion that Atlantis is doing.
In v1.6.6.5 Atlantis didn't perform this character conversion, and all was well.