Exra spellcheck
Exra spellcheck
I would like to add to my Atlantis a Finnish spellcheck. I have a list of 100 000 words in text mode. How do I proceed?
Thank you your suggestion DaleDe. I copied the word list into userdicen.tlx and checked they was really there. But it didn't work. Spellcheck didn't correct anything.
It's a pity because 100 000 words would have been better than none.
It's a pity because 100 000 words would have been better than none.
As the name indicates, “userdicen.tlx” is a custom personal dictionary dedicated to the spelling of English words which you found missing from the main official English spellchecker. “userdicen.tlx” is only used to check texts marked as belonging to the English language. If your texts are marked as belonging to the Finnish language, the words in “userdicen.tlx” won’t be used by the Atlantis English Spellchecker. If your Finnish texts are marked as belonging to the English language, “userdicen.tlx” will be used by the Atlantis English Spellchecker, but all the Finnish words not present in “userdicen.tlx”, and obviously also missing from the English main dictionary, will be flagged as incorrectly spelt.
If you want the Atlantis developers to create a proper Finnish spellchecker, you need to provide a copyright-free list of Finnish headwords with all their inflected forms (plural, gender, verbal endings, etc.)
Could you please go to this Finnish page, and determine if there is any free Finnish wordlist available from there? The wordlist needs to include headwords and all the corresponding inflected forms.
If you want the Atlantis developers to create a proper Finnish spellchecker, you need to provide a copyright-free list of Finnish headwords with all their inflected forms (plural, gender, verbal endings, etc.)
Could you please go to this Finnish page, and determine if there is any free Finnish wordlist available from there? The wordlist needs to include headwords and all the corresponding inflected forms.
Thank you, Robert, your good explanation which even I was able to understand. Actually my wordlist is from that link you gave. And it includes headwords and the most common corresponding inflected forms. That's why the list is quite big, over 4,5 MB. I'm not sure if Atlantis is able to handle such a big file fast enough. Usually dictionaries are under 1 MB. But I'll try to contact Atlantis developers and ask.