Don’t shout.
Don’t shout.
I have used Atlantis since it first came out. I'm sure I was one of the first users to buy. I trust Atlantis more than any other word processor, speed security and the help on this forum etc etc. But I still have my doubts as to whether a serious book can be written without the use of picture wrap and may I say it tables. Come on users this is a serious comment no abuse please. Please change my mind so I can get Microsoft word of my comp. Or any other word processor apart from Atlantis.
I'd say it's a matter of horses for courses, Quick. MS-Word and OpenOffice are both office software, perhaps very good for businesses needing to compile graphics-rich brochures, import sales figures from their spreadsheets, and mailmerge the results to their databases. But I found MS-Word completely inadequate for producing serious books, because it was incapable of keeping track of page numbers over book-length documents. Accurate tables of contents and indices were impossible to compile, and manuscripts had to be thrown away because every page was page one, or page sixty-four. By contrast Atlantis, which you might call study software, handled my legacy files beautifully, and handles book-length documents with reliability and speed. If you need other features not offered by Atlantis, undoubtedly you will need MS-Office/OpenOffice/Softmaker Office/Abiword as well. I have four word processing programmes on my laptop, and all of them have unique strengths and weaknesses. But for dealing with sentences, paragraphs and pages, I like Atlantis best.
I've written several books in Atlantis, and all of them were serious.
Well, in one of them I was just goofing around. ; )
All seriousness aside (old Steve Allen joke there) -- a non-fiction book, with graphs and tables out the wahzoo, mmm..... you might have to break over and use Word or Word Perfect or something of that ilk, for a little while.
But jeez -- for the creative writer, Atlantis is a gift from God. It does MORE than MS Word, and it's just 5 megs or so. I carry it on my key chain - to the libraries, everywhere. Thank goodness for flash drives and Atlantis. Last time I estimated, I'd written nearly six MILLION words in this program, and I loved every click and clack and ping and boing and bah-heeeeee-wah! along the way.
Well, in one of them I was just goofing around. ; )
All seriousness aside (old Steve Allen joke there) -- a non-fiction book, with graphs and tables out the wahzoo, mmm..... you might have to break over and use Word or Word Perfect or something of that ilk, for a little while.
But jeez -- for the creative writer, Atlantis is a gift from God. It does MORE than MS Word, and it's just 5 megs or so. I carry it on my key chain - to the libraries, everywhere. Thank goodness for flash drives and Atlantis. Last time I estimated, I'd written nearly six MILLION words in this program, and I loved every click and clack and ping and boing and bah-heeeeee-wah! along the way.