Page break in image

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Page break in image

Post by sebito »

I have a problem, sometimes I worked on books that has too much images, that becomes a headache for me.

I have a technical book from a publiser university that has pictures, when I insert the images as normal in Atlatins everything looks good, but when I see the epub format, makes 1 html for image, that delayed my job, there's a way to fix it?

I looked at the paragraph style in Atlantis and there's not a page break, I really don't know what is the issue, how can I fix it? :?:
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Post by mg79 »

I wondered the same thing and I think I understood how it works. Basically, when an image is big enough, a separate page for it is generated. If you don't want this, and you want images to be continuously flowing with text, you can insert a 'manual line break' (Shift+Enter) before the image, so that it doesn't have an empty paragraph all for itself.


[text][end paragraph]
[image][end paragraph]

In this case the image takes a separate page in the epub.

[text][end paragraph]
[manual line break]
[image][manual line break]
[end paragraph]

In this case there are no interruptions.

Another thing related to images: when a picture has its own separate page, the formatting:


is used. This has the effect that the image is often distorted, proportions aren't respected. I think the image should use this formatting:

{height:100%} (if height>width)


{width:100%} (if height<width)

That is, the highest dimension is adapted to the screen, and proportions are kept.
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Post by admin »

I wondered the same thing and I think I understood how it works. Basically, when an image is big enough, a separate page for it is generated. If you don't want this, and you want images to be continuously flowing with text, you can insert a 'manual line break' (Shift+Enter) before the image, so that it doesn't have an empty paragraph all for itself.
Yes, you understand it correctly.
Another thing related to images: when a picture has its own separate page, the formatting:


is used. This has the effect that the image is often distorted, proportions aren't respected.
Which eReader do you use?
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Post by mg79 »

I use a Sony PRS-T1.
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Post by admin »

mg79 wrote:I think the image should use this formatting:

{height:100%} (if height>width)


{width:100%} (if height<width)

That is, the highest dimension is adapted to the screen, and proportions are kept.
Fixed in the latest beta of Atlantis Word Processor. Thanks.
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