Remove Font Formatting

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Remove Font Formatting

Post by Inky960 »

When I've applied several formatting options to my text (say, bold, italic, red color) and type the few words I want to be formatted this way, I would like to be able to remove all these formats and go back to typing with the font I was using.

As it is now, the 'remove formatting' command (Ctrl + Spacebar) takes the formatting totally down to the ground level - arial 11 pt. -- even if I hate arial and never use it and was creating my document in 12 pt. Palatino Linotype.

I hate to mention MS W*rd, but they *do* have the right idea - their Ctrl + Spacebar does just what I've described. It would remove the bold, the italic, the red color, and leave me back with 12 pt. Palatino Linotype.

It's very time consuming if you format as you go (and I do, can't do othterwise), removing each and every format option, often without hotkeys, when one key combo could do it all.

What good is going back to Aria 11 pt anyway? I don't understand that.

Keep up the good work - love this word processor!

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Post by Robert »

Hi Inky,
“Ctrl+Spacebar” does the same in MS Word and Atlantis: it resets the font format to the default value.

Suppose that you create a new document in MS Word with “Ctrl+N”, then type a word. It will automatically be formatted with the default font format for any new (default) Word document. On my system, it would be formatted as “11pt Calibri”; on yours, it is formatted as “12pt Palatino Linotype”. It depends on the Word version and the software settings.

Now suppose that you select the word that you typed in Word, then apply, say, bold, italic, red color, and Arial to it. If you reselect that word, then press “Ctrl+Spacebar”, it will be reset to the default font format, i.e. “12pt Palatino Linotype” in your case, “11pt Calibri” on my system.

The same is happening in Atlantis.

If you create a new document in Atlantis with “Ctrl+N”, then type a word. It will automatically be formatted with the default font format for any new (default) Atlantis document. It will probably be “11pt Arial”.

Suppose that you change this font formatting to, say, bold, italic, red color, and Times New Roman. If you reselect that word, then press “Ctrl+Spacebar”, it will be reset to the default font format, i.e. “11pt Arial”.

Now if you don’t like “11pt Arial” as your default font format in Atlantis, you need to change the default font format for any new document created with “Ctrl+N”. Here is how to:

1. Click “File | Document Templates…”, then choose “Normal.rtf” in the list. Open this template.
2. Click “Format | Style”, then select the “Normal” style in the list.
3. Press the “Modify…” button.
4. In the “Edit Style” dialog, press the “Font…” button.
5. In the “Font Format” dialog, select the “Palatino” font, and change the font size to “12pt”.
6. OK out of all open dialogs.
7. Press “Ctrl+S” to save your changes, then “Ctrl+W” to close the open template.

Any new document that you now create with “Ctrl+N” will have “12pt Palatino Linotype” as its default font format to which Atlantis will invariably return if you press “Ctrl+Spacebar”.

A few more tips.

In any document that you create or open in Atlantis, there is a default font format. If you are in any doubt about which font format it is exactly, look at the base style of the document. Usually, it is the “Normal” style. The default font format that “Ctrl+Spacebar” will apply in that document is the font format of the document base style, most often that of its “Normal” style. If you are not happy with that font format, you can always change it.

If you have applied a font format which you want to reverse, you can also press “Ctrl+Z” to undo the last formatting action. If you need to go back more steps, press “Ctrl+Z” as many times as necessary.

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Post by admin »

Ctrl+Space does not take the formatting "down to the ground level", at least not to the level you mean. The "Reset font format" command (Ctrl+Space is its default hot key) retrieves the font format of the style associated with the current paragraph, then applies this font format to the selected text in your document. In other words, this command makes the selected text look in the way as if you re-applied the paragraph's style to this text in a "harsh" way (i.e. by removing any font formatting "incompatible" with that style).

Let's take an example. Any document has the "Normal" paragraph style. There are multiple ways to find out the font formatting that this style bears ("Format | Style... > "Normal" > Modify... > Description", for instance). If Ctrl+Space applies "Arial 11 pt" to selected text in your document, this means that this is how any "Normal" paragraph in your document is supposed to look. You can include any other font face and/or font size in the "Normal" style. The "Reset font format" command of Atlantis would apply your new font face and/or font size to selected text in your document.
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