Add to Dictionary, on the Fly

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Add to Dictionary, on the Fly

Post by Inky960 »

I write fiction, and *many* of the words I type are "made-up" and aren't in the dictionary, and when I write dialogue, using phonetic or dialectical phrases ("Pfft," he said, or "Uhright, y'all,") causes the red squigglies, and I hate red squigglies.

So, since adding a word to the dictionary now requires a mouse click (hands off the keyboard - yikes!), or two mouse clicks for a capitalized word, why not give us a hotkey for doing that?

This simple thing would save me so, so much time.

I haven't been able to spot this command in the master list. If it's there, I apologize for overlooking it.

Posts: 1900
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 8:27 pm

Post by Robert »

Hi Loren,
First, you can bring up the right-click context menu with the so-called Windows "Menu key" (Menu key).

You can also add any number of “custom” words to the appropriate custom dictionary if you go through the following hoops:

“Tools | Options… > Spellcheck (tab) > Spellcheckers & Dictionaries… (button) > User dictionaries > userdicen.tlx > Edit (button)”
Use the “Words” box and the “Add” button in the “Dictionary ‘userdicen.tlx’” dialog to add any number of custom words. Don’t forget to OK out of all open dialog windows.

If this is too much hassle, you can add a list of English words directly to “userdicen.tlx”. Here is how to:

1. Open C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\Atlantis\Spellcheck\userdicen.tlx in any pure text editor like the Windows Notepad, or “Notepad++” (good freeware replacement).
2. Add one word by paragraph line. In other words, add one word and press “Enter” for each new word. If you have a ready-made list, it can be added directly provided it contains only one word (or phrase) by paragraph line.
3. Of course, save your changes to “userdicen.tlx”.
4. When you restart Atlantis and spellcheck English text, your custom entries should no longer be reported as misspelt.

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