Cani we get line numbers on each page?

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Cani we get line numbers on each page?

Post by wildchild1954 »

Would it be possible to add line numbers to your Word processor? I use line numbers starting on each page to keep track of things.

I know some people who use line numbers that start at the beginning of a document for the same purpose.

So can this ability be added to Atlantis?
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Post by DaleDe »

While you can't make a column of numbers you can easily find the line number of every line. Change the view to draft mode and the line number will be shown at the bottom of the screen for wherever the cursor is. Thus you can easily find the line number of any line in the document. Note that space lines may not have line numbers if the space is being created with a style entry. What are you trying to do that would make line numbers useful? I use Notepad++ when I want text with line numbers shown.
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Post by Robert »

Would it be possible to add line numbers to your Word processor? I use line numbers starting on each page to keep track of things.
The problem with this approach is that Atlantis, like all word processors, automatically reflows the document contents whenever any change is made to it. The number of “lines” and “pages” may vary greatly from one editing change to the next. It may also vary depending on which printer is currently defined as default printer. So you cannot durably keep track of anything through transitory line or page numbers.
The only reliable way to keep track of things in a word processor is to use bookmarks, and associate them with permanent fixtures like headings, section breaks, and the document major cornerstones.
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