paragraph spacing at bottom of page.

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paragraph spacing at bottom of page.

Post by DaleDe »

The program forces the last line of a paragraph onto the next line under some conditions.

This, I believe, is a bug. Here is how to reproduce it.
1. Turn off widows/orphans
2. set a paragraph settings with approximately one line after the paragraph, say 12 pts. This is a normal way to use the word processor with an automatic line spacing after each paragraph.

3. Type in information near the bottom of the page for several lines and stop after a couple of lines when it wraps to the next page.
4. Now backspace until the data is removed at the top of the next page.

Note that the last line on the page suddenly moves to the next page all on its own. This is very annoying and not the way it should behave.

What is happening is that the program is enforcing the space after the paragraph requirement even though it is the last paragraph on the page and shoving the data onto the next page. I believe if the last line of a paragraph is on the bottom of the page it should not enforce the space after the paragraph rule. None of the other word processors I tried enforces this rule and it results in a non-uniform number of lines per page which is based on paragraph boundaries. There is no reason to force this blank line.

Please fix this.
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Post by admin »

I cannot reproduce this. Could you please post a sample document file (with steps 1, 2, and 3 accomplished)?
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Post by DaleDe »

Sorry for my explanation. It was a little more complicated than I thought. The problem seems to be related to having line numbers on the bottom of the page. Take the included example and go to the bottom of the first page. look at the end of the sentence and then place the cursor on the first word (It) of the next sentence and hit return. Note that suddenly the rest of the line goes with it to the next page. For some reason it no longer will fit on the page it was on.
sample of bug.rtf
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Post by admin »

Things do not work in this way on my system.

Anyway there is an issue regarding "spacing after" a paragraph. Spacing after the bottommost paragraph of a column box should not be suppressed when this column box is followed by another "box". This is how things work in MS Word and Atlantis. But MS Word suppresses such spacing after the bottommost paragraph of a column box when this box is followed by a footer (this is a case with your sample document). Atlantis did not make an exception regarding footers. This is why there is a blank space above the footer in Atlantis.

This will be changed in any next release of Atlantis. Spacing after a paragraph will be suppressed when this paragraph is followed by a footer box.

You can already download the build of Atlantis with that change implemented: ... tis3en.exe
Just run the setup file, and follow the onscreen instructions.

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