Ignore All Words not saved between edits

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Ignore All Words not saved between edits

Post by RickH »

Using the latest version, it seems that any word that has been set to 'ignore all' shows up a misspelled when the document is re-opened (after a close and save).

So, a character name, for example, in a document is not in the spelling library. So it gets the wavy underline thing, and you right-click the word an select "Ignore All".

Then you merrily work on the document, "Ignore All" as needed, and save the document (and close it).

The next time you open the document, the character name - the one that in the previous edit session was marked as "Ignore All" - now has the wavy underline thing again.

So it would seem that any misspelled word that has been "Ignore All" corrected does not save that state of the word on the next edit of the document.

Otherwise, a great tool ! (Although I still would like an 'ignore once'.)

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Post by Robert »

Here is from the Atlantis online help at Manual Spellchecking:
Clicking the Ignore button allows to skip the current instance of the misspelt word. Clicking Ignore All would skip also any other instance of this misspelt word. Normally you will "ignore" reported words if they are actually proper words but you do not want to add them to your dictionary. Note that by clicking Ignore or Ignore All, you instruct Atlantis to ignore the reported word only temporarily. If you launch the manual spellchecking on this document again, any word you previously "ignored", would be reported again. So if you want some words be never reported, you should either mark them with the <none> language coding (see above for details), or add these words to your custom dictionary.

If the reported word is actually a proper word which you frequently use in your documents, you might consider adding this word to your custom dictionary. For this just click the Add Document Word To Dictionary button.

The Add Sugg. Replacement to Dictionary button does a trickier thing. If the reported word is a misspelt form of a word missing from the spellcheck dictionary, you could type the proper form of this word in the Suggested replacement box, then click the Add Sugg. Replacement to Dictionary button. Atlantis would add your typed replacement to your custom dictionary, then the current document misspelt word would be replaced with the word that you have just added to the dictionary.
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