and in the R-click context menu ''New'' > Atlantis document as a .rtf based on my Normal template.
But I've destroyed my brain here for 5 hours trying every sort of thing to find success in Windows 10 LTSC -
but no luck. I'd really appreciate some Help !!
Tried adding different locations to the System Path in Environment Variables,
tried copying the Normal template to C:\Windows\ShellNew, etc etc.
I can make a shortcut in my Directory Opus file manager toolbar to open a new instance of the Normal template,
but it's the damn principle at stake here to understand wtf is going on in windows 10 registry/system OS !
Here is a copy of the .reg file that works beautifully in Windows 7 64 bit :
Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"FileName"="D:\\My Documents\\Atlantis\\Templates\\Normal.rtf"