I quite often use OPML to move documents between mindmappers, outliners, markdown and docx.
When I opened such a file in Atlantis, no headings were recognised, although they were recognised by Word. I added a couple of headings in Word; Atlantis recognised the styling of both but only recognised one as a heading. Word always understood the headings produced in Atlantis.
(I've deleted the files now, but could presumably reproduce if necessary).
What I was actually doing was testing file sizes for same document exported by different programs in txt, md, rtf and docx formats. Completely against expectations, the docx was the smallest by some distance on every test.
Problem with headings.
Re: Problem with headings.
Atlantis does not support the OPML file format.
You’ll find detailed presentation of the OPML file format at How to Open, Edit, and Convert OPML Files.
DOCX is a zipped, XML-based file format. Being a compressed file format, it is only natural that it should be comparatively smaller… You can replace the docx extension of a docx file with the zip extension. The document can then be unzipped like any zip archive.
You’ll find detailed presentation of the OPML file format at How to Open, Edit, and Convert OPML Files.
DOCX is a zipped, XML-based file format. Being a compressed file format, it is only natural that it should be comparatively smaller… You can replace the docx extension of a docx file with the zip extension. The document can then be unzipped like any zip archive.
Re: Problem with headings.
I didn't move OPML into Atlantis. I was simply testing the system.
The docx headings Atlantis failed to interpret as headings came from Word and a variety of docx exports from programs such as Typora, Inspire Writer, iA Writer. Word correctly interpreted all documents.
I feel that Atlantis should be able to interpret headings in these docx files as well as Word does.
The docx headings Atlantis failed to interpret as headings came from Word and a variety of docx exports from programs such as Typora, Inspire Writer, iA Writer. Word correctly interpreted all documents.
I feel that Atlantis should be able to interpret headings in these docx files as well as Word does.
Re: Problem with headings.
If you have DOCX documents with headings that are not recognized as such by Atlantis, could you please send such a document to support@AtlantisWordProcessor.com? It will only be used for test purposes.
Re: Problem with headings.
Will do. Thanks.