I use the following autocorrect setting:
-- — <---- two standard keyboard dashes to em-dash
—- ― <---- emdash + another dash = horizontal bar, which in my preferred font is longer and contiguous
[dash][dash] = [em-dash]
[em-dash][dash] = [horizontal bar]
(I'm going to represent the settings like that from now on, since in the message board BBcode inbuilt font, the em-dash and horizontal dash character look the exact same.)
As of the new update, this keeps getting overwritten *whenever I open a new document* to
[dash] = [em-dash]
[dash] = [em-dash]
Why might that be happening? And how can I stop it.
I absolutely do not want to use any other means to do this dash replacement, including Atlantis' "replace hyphens with horizontal line". I prefer my way of doing it because I use both in a different way and this is easy for me and it has worked ever since I started out with Atlantis 2.
Is some new feature messing with my autocorrect?
(If it's important, everything else besides quotes and (tm) (c) is deleted from my autocorrect settings, since I know how to spell and my errors are volitional.)
In my autocorrect custom settings to make em-dash and horizontal lines gets overwritten
Re: In my autocorrect custom settings to make em-dash and horizontal lines gets overwritten
Could you please email your Atlantis.ini file from "My documents\Atlantis" to support@atlantiswordprocessor.com?