Greetings... In regard to the new "Templates" and "Open" dialog box preview, is it possible to place a checkable option like the "Show Preview" check box which allows the old, full page view? While the new preview window, which is readble, is nice for templates and documents containing only text, it "really distorts" any templates or documents containing graphics. Text also shows up overlapping graphics, which isn't the way it appears in the actual template or document. And the general overall layout of the template or document is completely lost. I tend to look for the general layout of the templates and go to the full screen preview if I need a better look. The way it is at present requires always going to full screen to see the overall layout - which is just the opposite of the way it was before. Adding an option to choose a full page OR readable preview could make everyone a happy camper.
New Preview Window
The latest build offers the “page layout preview” too.