Would it be possible to toss out a beta release with an ongoing word count showing up in the main frame of the window? Ideally, this would be adjustable by inserting a new section - so that if you wanted to, say, start a new count, it would start all over again, but if you didn't want to, you could just make all of the word count one part regardless of section (or avoid putting sections in at all).
I'm not sure if this is possible, but it'd be really nifty and useful to see. Tossing it in betatesting as it'd be neat to see it in beta, and hopefully it's simple enough to do. Thanks!
Ongoing word count?
That works, but is not quite what I meant - I meant something that I can passively look at, all the time, that I don't have to access a command to see. I've already given the Word Count function a shortcut, but it's still distracting to have to check it amidst stuff. It would be better for me, at least, if it were given the ability to also be peripheral, and it's a minor enough change (I think) that I guess it could be done.
Hope that clarifies.
Hope that clarifies.