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Atlantis Word Processor
TipWhen the current paragraph is formatted with bullets, you can start a new paragraph not formatted with bullets if you place the cursor at the end of the current paragraph, and press Enter twice.
The "Envelopes" dialog
The 'Envelopes' dialog

You can normally access this dialog by choosing the "Tools | Envelopes..." menu command or clicking the Envelopes Button image button of the Tools toolbar The 'Tools' toolbar .

With this dialog, envelopes can be created, printed immediately or attached to the active document and printed at a later time at your convenience.

Creating envelopes

You first have to choose whether to create or print envelope(s) for a single addressee or for multiple addressees:

Single addressee or multiple addressees

The third option concerns envelope(s) selected in the document and is grayed-out, i.e. inoperative, when no envelopes are selected in the active document.

Envelope for a single addressee

After electing to create an envelope for a single addressee, you must specify an address in the Delivery address box:

Delivery address

The Return Address is optional. You can enter a return address or check the Omit box if you want it left out:

The 'Omit' box

Note that entering either delivery or return address can be done automatically: clicking on the open book symbol button Button image located to the right of the Delivery address and Return address headings will open a dialog allowing you to choose addresses from your Atlantis Address Books.

Envelopes for multiple addressees

To create envelopes for multiple addressees, you must first check the Create envelopes for multiple addressees radio button. Delivery addresses must then be entered from any of your Address Books. Click the Select delivery addresses button Button image located to the right of the Delivery addresses field:

The 'open book' symbol

This will open a new dialog allowing you to choose which Address Book to open, and which entries (addresses) to create envelopes for.

The Delivery addresses field in the Envelopes dialog will then show the number of selected addresses:

Selected addresses

Envelope size

You can either choose an envelope size from the list of available formats or use the Width and Height controls to enter custom values.

Envelope size

Address font format

Clicking the Font... buttons in the Envelopes dialog:

The 'Font' button

will open the Font Format dialog where any desired font face, font size, font style, etc can be applied to the addresses.

Position of addresses on envelopes

Do not forget that correct positioning of the address is required for rapid optical reading of the addresses and to facilitate manual sorting and delivery.

The location of the addresses on your envelopes can easily be adjusted with the From left and From top controls:

Location of the addresses


Any change in the position of the addresses will instantly be reflected in the Preview window. This schematic Preview can then be used to make accurate visual adjustments to the location of the addresses.

To get a complete WYSIWYG preview of your envelope, you can click the Preview button located to the right of the Preview heading, or double-click the schematic envelope preview itself:

Envelope preview

Feed method

One of the most important option related to envelope printing is the Feed method. You might need to print a few test envelopes to find out which feed method is correct for your printer.

Note: specifying the correct feed method will not be sufficient with some printers. After clicking the Print button, you might also need to use the Properties button of the Print Envelopes dialog, and adjust the private options of your printer. For example, you might need to specify envelope size or "envelope" printing among the private options of your printer.

Attaching envelopes

For appending (attaching) a newly created envelope(s) to any active document, press the Add to Document button. The envelope(s) will automatically be appended ("attached") to the current document. You can "attach" as many envelopes as you like to the same document.

Printing envelopes

Clicking the Print button brings up a Print Envelopes dialog. You can then choose which printer is to be used to print the envelopes, adjust its settings (print quality, ink volume, etc). Multiple copies of the same envelope(s) can also be printed and collated.

For printing an already "attached" envelope, simply give it a mouse click in your document, choose the "Tools | Envelopes..." menu command or click the Envelopes Button image button of the Tools toolbar The 'Tools' toolbar . Then click Print in the newly open Envelopes dialog:

Print attached envelopes

To print several of such attached envelopes, you must select the desired envelopes first with mouse and/or keyboard just like you would do with fragments of text, then choose the "Tools | Envelopes..." menu command or click the Envelopes Button image button of the Tools toolbar The 'Tools' toolbar to print them.

See also...